Premium Feeding

Bio Stimulant (High Thatched Lawns) {4%}

This is a biostimulant that increases plant health and root development, boosts microbial populations and helps degrade thatch even at low temperature. Simple plant sugars provide a readily available food source to increase soil microbial activity and populations.

Plant roots will exude carbohydrates providing an energy source to mycorrhizal fungi and rhizosphere bacteria that live in a close, mutually beneficial relationship with the plant. In exchange the mycorrhizal fungi release Nitrogen and phosphate to the plant.

This symbiotic relationship is essential for a healthy plant.

Liquid Aeration {3%}

This Liquid Soil Amendment provides a surface disruption-free aeration, of the soil. Benefits are more uniform than mechanical aeration because the whole surface is receiving the treatment. The product improves soil structure by causing tiny fragments of soil, like individual clay particles to bind together. This creates more “soil” and more pore space, that improved balance speeds up the drainage, improves channels for root development and increases the activity of beneficial aerobic organisms for a healthy soil environment. This product works best when used straight after mechanical aeration.

 Penator Wetting Agent {2%}

A penetrant wetting agent quickly moves excessive moisture from the soil surface thus curing waterlogging. It does this by reducing the surface tension of the water meaning it falls through smaller pore spaces.

In doing so it also, therefore, improves the water-air balance of the soil and wet soil is a cold soil and so this product can reduce the wait for growth in the springtime and it means areas of common foot traffic on the lawn become less damaged, both the plants and the soil beneath. 

Bio Stimulant {4%}

The biostimulant provides a boost to the microbial populations, increased root development and a trace element package. 

These outcomes are caused by Humic acid content, the inclusion of cold water enzymatic extracted plant growth hormones simple plant sugars and carbon. 

The benefit to a lawn of this product is that nutrient retention in the soil is improved, potassium becomes more available in the soil increasing plant health. The plant hormones and betaines with simple plant sugars increase rooting dramatically, germination and establishment which means a quicker, hardier, more resilient lawn to stress. A fully chelated trace element package means maximum and faster uptake by the plant. To ensure this a little penetrant is also added.

Growth Regulator {5%}

The timing can be chosen by you the Customer. For example Holiday Spray to slow grass cutting down. 

A Plant Growth Regulator slows the rate at which the grass grows, meaning you can cut it less often, go on holiday and not return home to a meadow and have to scythe the lawn back to the desired height in one go. 

Additional benefits include a more-dense lawn because the growth is diverted into more short leaves on each plant, deeper rooting, increasing resistance to drought stress, less disease due to more-dense leaf tissue, cut less often so less open wounds for disease spores to enter the plant and a darker green lawn because the chlorophyll is contained in a smaller space.

Additional benefits include less wear and tear on equipment because it isn’t used as often – less blade sharpening for example.

Wetting Agent – Aids recovery by keeping moisture in soil {5%}

Wetting Agents are used to reduce the water applications required to keep the lawn in normal health leading up to, during and/or after a drought. 

In long dry periods, soil can become hydrophobic, this means water received will not enter the soil. Instead, it will run off to lower points or evaporate. Once in the soil, the water will then be spread horizontally and vertically throughout the profile meaning all plants get more even access to water. That moisture is then retained for longer too.

This all means in summer conditions the lawn will stay greener for longer and return to normal health faster too, all with less water than would have been required otherwise.